How is this different from video chat with friends?


Flow Club is a live, structured experience with specific choreography that is easy to participate and host in. As a member, you’ll find that it’s much, much easier than organizing your own group, whose members may or may not have the same commitment as you do.

We've thought through details to help people focus and remove overwhelm:

Flow Club's Schedule
Flow Club’s predictable schedule helps you create consistent daily routines. You can book ahead to help you block out time.

Norms around Accountability
Through the norm of sharing your to-do with your group and displaying your progress publicly, you use the group to hold yourself accountable.

Calendar Reminders
We send you a calendar invite so that you can make an appointment with yourself and others to remind you to show up. Your teammates will also respect your time because it appears as a meeting.

To-do List
The To-do list doesn’t carry over, which helps you start fresh each time.

Small Videos
Videos help people feel present. We display them in limited width and height so that they aren't overly distracting. Controls such as on/off toggles and background blur support your changing needs.

Optional Focus Music
Flow Club hosts play focus-friendly music in sessions to help cue your brain that this time and space is for work.