How often should I go to Flow Club?


Some people attend 6 times a day, others join 2-3 times a week. Work is so personal and different for everyone, so we recommend trying out a few approaches to see how it could serve you best.

We recommend approaching Flow Club by time, task or intention:

- Start the day
: Fight morning grogginess and procrastination by committing to sitting down at the same time every day and take advantage of the morning energy
- Afternoon slump / food coma / energy dip: If you know you always get tired at a certain time, join Flow Club to give yourself a boost
- Before deadlines: Deadlines should already be motivating, but sometimes you need just a little extra to feel confident before the big meeting
- Tedious tasks:
Bring the work you have to do but hate doing. Email, life admin, cleaning, legal documents, reading papers, etc.
- Important but not urgent: Instead of always working on what's urgent, bring the important but not urgent work that you never get around to and commit to doing them
- Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG): Tackle ambitious and somewhat scary goals. Use Flow Club to break them into small, achievable tasks and start making progress
- Block time for deep work:
Dictate your schedule instead of the other way around and reserve long uninterrupted time for you to get deep work done.
- "Miscellaneous" pursuits: We are a work-obsessed culture, which means it's difficult to spend time on other things that are meaningful to us. Commit time to leisure reading, trip planning, learning a new skill.