Walk me through running a session?


Before the session (5-10 min early):

  • Use Chrome and on the computer ideally

  • Log into the session 5 minutes before the start time to get set up. Access the session link anytime from the calendar invite or 5 minutes before the start time from the website. It’s the same link as the participant.

  • Spend a couple of minutes clearly defining and adding your own goal for the session. Doing this will free up time for you to spend going deeper into intention setting with members. It’s also important because it helps model how to set goals. Members will follow your lead. One of our favorite ways to set goals is to define:

    • Task (eg. write blog post)

    • Goal (eg. get outline done)

    • Reach goal (eg get intro done)

  • Click the “Share Music” button at the left of the screen

    • Follow the instructions on the dialogue box that pops up. The share audio checkbox to share your playlist is checked by default.

    • If you skip this step, you’ll see an error in the Share Music dialogue box, and you can try again.

    • Once you successfully share, you’ll see a “sharing this tab to flow.club” notification at the top of your browser window.

    • If sharing from Spotify, close the desktop music player because the music may play from the desktop app instead of the web browser. To double check, click on the device toggle and check that the music is being played from the web browser.

    • If you’d like, you can choose to have music playing softly in the background when you start, or to start from silence.

Starting the session (0-5:00 min)

  1. Welcome participants

  2. Shout out milestones and welcome new members

  3. To new members, provide a quick overview of what is going to happen to put them at ease ("we'll go around and share what we're looking to get done, then we'll start doing, and at the end we'll come back and celebrate progress")

  4. Share goals: call on people to share their goals and to get them to set intention for the session. Hover over individual’s videos to see their name pronunciation if needed.

  5. Introduce the music selection.

  6. Start the session:

    1. Drag the volume control on the music player to at least 70% high volume so it’s high enough for attendees to adjust on their own.

    2. Use your computer volume controls to change the volume for yourself. That won’t change the volume shared to everyone.

  7. If there are late comers, then chat them publicly to welcome them and wish them a good session.

During the session (5:00-55:00 min)

  1. Share link of playlist at some point

  2. Check the chat to see if anyone has questions/feedback

Debrief (55:00-End)

  1. Turn down volume and let participants know that time is over. If you started the session late, best practice is to bring people back far enough after the gong that they get to experience a full work session (eg 50m).

  2. Go around by calling names and asking how the session went

  3. Smoothly mention that we are ending on time/early (delivering on promise)

After the session

Share any wins/milestones or issues/feedback. You can see feedback from your attendees in your host feedback.