Becoming a Flow Club Host

How to become a Flow Club Host!
What will be different about the platform as a host?
Outside of sessions as a host: Create sessions anytime: You can create sessions any time you want! Host profile page: You'll have a host profile page ...
Is there a discount if I’m a host?
Yes! It's simple – host 10 sessions a month, get 50% off your membership next month 💸. If you have a yearly membership, the credits from the months y...
Where can I find how many sessions I've hosted for the month so far?
You can find your host incentive progress in Settings > Hosting For the list of sessions that you hosted, you can go to your Completed sessions page...
I’m eligible to host - what happens next?
Once you've completed 10 sessions and learned the norms of the community, you become eligible! You should see a banner at the top of the Flow Club sch...
I can't find the button to become a host anymore
When you unlock hosting, there is a banner at the top that will ask you if you'd like to become a host. If you clicked "Stop seeing this" at some poi...
How do I become eligible to be a host?
After attending 10 sessions, you’ll become eligible to be a host and will see a banner to initiate the host onboarding process next time you log in. I...
Why host?
Flow Club started as just the founders hosting sessions, but within a few weeks, different folks started asking for the ability to host sessions on th...
Do I have to commit to hosting a certain number of sessions each week?
Nope! Hosting is designed to support you and your workflow, so the number of sessions you want to host is up to you. We do have a host incentive progr...
What are these buzzing and ding sounds I hear in-session?
There are a few sounds to expect during sessions as a host that you don't hear as an attendee. A soft "ding" sound plays for hosts when a new attendee...